Sunday, April 27, 2014

Females in Hip-Hop Videos

Females In Hip-Hop Videos

Fellow classmate Alexis and I did a presentation on females in hip-hop. The video and presentation how the treatment and showmanship of women in not only hip-hop videos but in the culture itself and how it has changed over the years and the question is has it gotten better or worse? I would say its 50/50 now a days some would say worse because of what the women are doing or allowing to be done to them like letting Champaign being poured on them or having money thrown on or at them. While others would say its better now a days because it’s way easy to get notoriety and to use it as a stepping stone to progress into something better. To some this industry to some it’s just a job to others it’s a way of life. Another question that can be asked is that it has gotten worse over the years how do we fix it? Is it the artist responsibility to change the lyrics to be more respectful towards women? Or the women’s job to not to allow themselves to be subjected to such things or us as a culture to try and change this what can we do?   

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