Sunday, April 27, 2014

RBC's Cafe

RBC’s Café!

I know I may be doing a lot of complaining and or venting on here but that’s what it’s for right lol? My only issue staying on campus this year at Richard bland was how shitty and limited the café was and still is. I mean I guess I can’t complain too much because it is something and Richard Bland technically is not a university so I can’t expect it to be at the level of that but still if you’re going to do something do it the right way please or don’t do it at all. Obviously I’m not the only person who feels that way or felt that way because they got enough complaints do the point when we came back from winter break they made a few kinks in the café the extended the hours and that really was it the prices stayed the same and they STILL TAX US TWICE! For reasons I do not know. Hopefully next year it will be better because for next year they are incorporating the meal plan in the tuition and they me get a whole new remodel that’s the only positive I guess the prayer of a better and more improved café for next year. 

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